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The Italians are more passionate

written on 2020 August 6th

by Donnie D.

The Italians can make evaporate Sea. What is their secret?

Maybe it's a combination of different factors that makes the average Italian full of burning passion.

** Culture **
Even though the Catholic grip on the Italians, it has never stopped them from hugging and kissing in public. Everything that is considered taboo in most countries in Italy becomes possible. They are not afraid of french kissing their loved ones in the middle of a crowd. It's the Roman blood that burns in their veins.

** Communication **
Nothing is enough for the Italians. They want to touch the Sky and back if it can convey their feeling. The talking is pleasure, their speaking is more than just talking, the language is poetry, the words are magic spells and the hand gesture is acting offstage.

** Everything **
Everything is passion and deserves passion. The Italian put it into everything, from loving to studying and researching to cooking to drawing. Everything. And the passion is their fuel, which pushes them beyond the limit, which makes the new Leonardo Da Vinci.