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Once upon the time, the Old, Really Old Bridge...

written on 2020 May 16th

by Pasquale S.

It's so true that love has no age. "Ponte Vecchio" in Florence is the proof of it.

Such beauties, also known as "Old Bridge", is old, yeah like "Really Old"... I'm talking of a bridge built close to the Roman crossing, as the only bridge across the Arno River in Florence until 1218.

Nothing has stopped this bridge: from the flood in 1345 to WW2(oh yeah the Germans spared it, thanks to God). You would say "this bridge was built by Devil itself", well you could be wrong at this round, even nowadays there are still doubts about the one behind it, maybe Taddeo Gaddi ? or maybe the involvement of the Dominican Friars?

One thing is sure, nobody would have imagined how long this magnificence would have prospered. From 1593 only goldsmiths and jewelers are allowed to have their shops over there.

And most importantly, it became one of the most romantic spots in Florence, with the view of both the river and the characteristic bridge itself(which looks like a suitcase/wooden chests).