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Have you ever wanted to marry in a Castle ?

written on 2020 May 30th

by Donnie D.

One of the best castles in Italy dates back to the last centuries of the first millennium B.C., we are talking of the Scaliger Castle of Malcesine.

You would not believe that this Castle was destroyed by the Franks in 590 A.D and survived the Hungarian invasions. It changed hands several times: from the Republic of Venice(1516-1797) to the French to the Austrians(1798-1866), to finally the Venetians...

The amazing thing is that it's in phenomenal conditions thanks to the different renovations over time, in particular by the Scala's family from 1277 to 1387.

As soon as you enter the Castle you will see the "Casermetta" on the left, where the internal guard was to used to be. Right ahead there is the Natural History Museum on the ground floor.

Have you ever wanted to marry in a real Castle ? Well you can !! When you visit it with your partner keep a look at the external staircase, because it's where the wedding ceremonies are held... It's incredible the number of romantic spots: I would suggest not to miss the courtyard, there is a small balcony offering a suggestive view of both lake and surrounding mountains. Whistle at your photographer, this is the right time!