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I'm Marisa Tomei from Italy

written on 2020 July 17th

by Anthony F.

We all know Marisa Tomei. So many movies, so many roles played.

But what are the Marisa Tomei's origins?

All of her 4 grandparents came from Italy!

Her Great Grandfather Demetrio Calvosa was from the province of Cosenza and Tomei in an interview admitted she owes so much the Calvosa's daughter for having taken good care of Marisa when she grew up.

Aside from her "Calabrian" blood other of her grandparents came from the region of Tuscan, Campania, and Sicily.

This great actress has never hidden her origins and in some of her movies she has played Italian characters, for instance, the unforgettable My Cousin Vinny(1992) where she plays the Vince's(Joe Pesci) girlfriend.

Be always as proud of your origins as Marisa does.