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The Power of Lemon

written on 2020 July 12th

by Donnie D.

Italians like lemons and they are blessed for having one of the best lemons on Earth. Especially the Sicilian ones.

But there is a reason why the Italians eat so many lemons?

Well, there is always a reason, especially if it's an old habit. The Lemon hides the ability to give particular "Super Powers".

Let's deep dive into...

** The reasons why to eat Lemon **
1. It improves the digestion by raising the level of bile in the liver, needed for the digestive process. You would not believe how many Italians, at lunchtime, are used to add a few drops of Lemon to the Water, just a few drops can change your life forever.

2. Helps expel toxins through its diuretic properties. In other words more bathroom time fewer toxins.
3. Improves the immune system. Especially with all these viruses around, we need to boost our immune system, and you can do that through Lemon too. It has a high level of Vitamin C.
4. The exact same Vitamin C also helps with fighting wrinkles and acne.
5. It helps with decreasing the acidity in the blood. Meaning less inflammation in the body.
6. It's a natural anti-depressive.
7. Keeps you hydrated.
8. And for number 8 I play the Jolly: it gets rid of the hiccup. Yeah, you would not believe it, you just try to give your kid a spoon filled with sugar and few drops of lemon.

Ok done, now you have no more excuses. Lemon is cheap, few drops in your glass of water and good to go!