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Did you know you can Surf in Italy?

written on 2020 June 15th

by Pasquale S.

Most of us are used to the fantastic waves of Florida and California.

Who has never craved surfing at least once in life?

It happened often that the tourists want to get the full experience out of the vacation package. But not always find good options for Surfing.

You will be surprised to know that in Recco your surfboard will be a safe bet.

What makes this place so special?

One of the first strengthen is the strategic position. Located in the province of Genova, between the towns of Sori and Camogli, with a spectacular landscape and sea. The place is overlooking the Gulf Paradise, and it's Paradise by default.

You will find numerous seaside resorts and restaurants offering the peculiar cuisine that mix salty and sweet. Take note here, ask for "Focaccia con Formaggio"(Focaccia with Cheese) and Pansoti!

The town has tied to water: there is one of the most important Water Polo teams over there(never played Water Polo?...), and it doesn't surprise me that it's one of the best places in Italy if you are seeking water games related, and Surf in particular.

Don't forget your swimming suit!